Monday, May 24, 2010

The process

It is always fascinating to follow the process of creative work, om the first sketches on to the result. Here is an illustration I made some weeks ago for Norwegian student magazine Argument: The illustration was made for an article discussing war films and how they rather work as therapy for the film-makers than the intrinsic problems of war. As examples, the author uses among others the film "Waltz with Bashir" (2008), an animated documentary portraying a middle-aged Israeli man trying to find out why he seems to have forgotten everything about his army service, where he participated in the Israeli-Lebanon war in 1982. Written and directed by Ari Folman, the film won several prizes and worldwide approval for being an interesting view from the side of a young Israeli soldier trying to come to terms with his personal trauma. The author of the article, however, seems to mean that the film (and also Lebanon, the other recently made war film made by an Israeli director) lacks the discussion around the wars and atrocities themselves, and turn out too subjective.

Interesting as it is, I leave the discussion to the reader. You can find this particular number of Argument Magazine through this link. (Norwegian, pdf file).